Public procurement rules overhauled
Public procurement rules overhauled by European Parliament © Francisco Antunes 22 January, 2014

Public procurement rules ensure quality and value

New EU rules on public procurement adopted by the European Parliament will ensure better quality and value for money thanks to new award criteria that will put greater emphasis on environmental considerations, social aspects and innovation, according to the EUREKA network.

The new legislation overhauls the current EU public procurement rules and for the first time sets common standards on concession contracts to boost fair competition and ensure best value for money by introducing new award criteria that place more emphasis on environmental considerations, social aspects and innovation.

The new rules will also make it easier for SMEs to bid and will include tougher rules on subcontracting. For the first time, and in line with the public procurement rules, the Parliament has also adopted EU-wide rules on concession contracts, as definitions and rules vary between EU member states.

The rules will apply to contracts worth over €5m, with exceptions for various sectors including energy, gambling, civil defence, ports, emergency services. The public procurement package is one of the 12 priorities in the ‘Single Market Act I’, which aims to unlock the growth potential of the single market and is a key component of the EU 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

More information on the new guidelines can be found on the European Parliament website.