Partner Profile

Inorganic Functional Materials Group Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Areas of Expertise

The Inorganic Functional Materials group is located in the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Oldenburg. The faculty of natural sciences at the university has a strong focus on energy research and nanosciences. Both topics have a substantial need for new materials with tailor-made properties. Thus, our group has great experience in the preparation of new compounds and the elucidation of structures and properties. We are especially looking for new precursor materials that can be used for the (nano-)structuring of noble metals and the preparation of ultrathin metal oxide layers.

Recent Publications

Research Interests
  • Inorganic synthesis
  • Co-ordination and Solid State Chemistry
  • Designer precursors
  • New linkers for metal organic frameworks and co-ordination polymers
  • Noble Metal Chemistry