Partner Profile

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

Areas of Expertise

The scientific focus of the System Ecology Research Group (part of the Department of Arctic and Marine Biology at the Faculty for Bioscience, Fisheries and Economics) is on food webs, key organisms, energy transport and interactions between organisms of lower and higher trophic levels, and ecotoxicology. The emphasis is on northern and Polar regions. Comparative studies of species and ecosystems are applied to identify important regulating and structuring factors. The approach of the research group combines fieldwork, experiments, modelling and biostatistics. The group is strongly involved in the research network ARCTOS and is responsible for the ARCTOS PhD school (

ARCTOS is a research network lead by Professor Paul Wassmann at the UiT (Professor J Berge from 1 May 2014) that conducts science over a broad range of marine ecology topics in the Barents Sea, around Svalbard, and in most of the northern waters. Several important institutions in Russia, North America and the EU are collaborating within the frame of ARCTOS, giving this research a strong pan-Arctic perspective.

Recent Publications

Research Interests
  • Arctic marine biology
  • Polar night
  • Pelagic,  Benthic and Ice associated organism