Innovation Convention 2014
Innovation Convention 2014 © dh06 4 February, 2014

EUREKA to host Innovation Convention event

EUREKA and the Association for Technology Implementation in Europe (TAFTIE) will co-host a fringe session – European co-operation on SME innovation: can we really do it? – on the first day of the Innovation Convention in Brussels. The session is aimed at politicians, programme administrators, and networkers working with and on behalf of SMEs.

The European Commission will host its second Innovation Convention on 10-11 March. The programme features a distinguished panel with representation from Europe, the USA, South Africa, South America, Japan, and India.

Over 2000 people are expected to attend the convention. More information on the programme, speakers, registration can be found on the European Commission website.

The first Innovation Convention was described as “a creative collusion of some of the world’s brightest people from across all sectors involved in research, innovation and science”. The convention promises to provide an opportunity to engage in and contribute to the innovation debate with business leaders, top researchers and high-level policy makers, network and share experiences with peers, and to gain inspiration from world-renowned speakers and innovation showcases.